How To Keep Your Garden Ready For Bird Feeding

It is easy to attract birds to your garden: supplement bird food that is naturally available, and watch them flock in! Remember to keep feeders and tables clean so that the birds stay healthy and disease-free and place your feeders away from predators in a relatively open area-the the birds will feel safer and visit more! If there's plenty of food available, birds will visit your garden, so the first thing to do is get some feeders up. You then need to provide natural food, nesting sites, cover along with the good quality Valley Farm Birds Seeds.

Different types of Bird food -
Straight seeds – Such seeds are not combined with something as the name indicates. Straight seeds include black sunflower, niger, peanuts, and red and white millet.

Seed mixes –There, the seeds are blended into various mixtures, the key benefit being that a larger mix of seed forms attracts a greater mix of birds.

Husk-free seed mixes – Compared to the above, the seeds in these blends have their husks removed, so there's much less mess to clean up, and birds that can't break husks (such as blackbirds) can also consume the mix. Many husk-free combinations contain other foods, such as dried mealworms and suet pellets.

Suet (also called fat) – This food comes in like bricks, pellets, and balls. Lots of birds like suet, and this provides them with a vital source of energy, particularly during the winter months.

Live mealworms – A great food to provide in the season of breeding and childbirth.

Purchase food from reputed sources so you can be ensured that you will be getting the best wild bird seeds. It ensures seeds are capable of supplying the necessary energy levels and have been grown with the environment in mind. Experiment with feeders and seed mixes of different kinds. Greenfinches, for example, adore sunflower feeders while goldfinches prefer Niger seeds.

Bird Bath
For their daily routine, urge your birds to view your garden as a one-stop-shop! Water is especially important for seed-eating birds that have dry meals and need to be able to wash them down. Keep an eye on your birdbath to prevent it from freezing in winter, and do not use salt when defrosting – this can kill birds.


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