Not Seeing Enough Birds? Maybe Your Making These Mistakes

Feeding birds is a beautiful activity. While many have been feeding wild birds for several years, there are people who’ve just gotten into it and because of their inexperience in the field, they tend to make certain mistakes. That does not mean experienced bird feeding people do not make mistakes; they too do. Find the best bird food supplier is a great step toward bird feeding but it is equally important to learn how to feed those food properly to birds.

In this blog, we’ll be taking a look at the common mistakes people make while feeding birds. Avoiding these mistake will make your bird feeding experience pleasant. Let’s get started.
  • Seeds - You need to stay away from seeds being sold online as the ‘best’ and ‘affordable’ seeds for birds. These affordable seeds are usually poor quality seeds which are nothing but cracked oats, corn, and wheat filled seeds which the wild birds do not like. Go for better quality seeds and the wild birds will just love them.
  • Feeder - It is fine if you’ve been busy and could not keep the feeder full, but be prepared if you begin to see a drop in your birds’ visits to the feeder. Why is that? Birds prefer to come to those feeders where there’s consistent supply of food. It is fine if you leave your feeder empty for a couple of times; bird will sort of ignore your punctuality. But consistently empty feeders will eventually drive away your birds.
  • Cleaning - Don’t take the cleanliness aspect of feeders nonchalantly. Feeders can get clogged after a while if you do not clean it at fixed intervals. There is the danger of certain diseases spreading from wet seeds. What’s more, feeders that are not kept in good condition usually experience a lot more wear and tear than those which are well kept.

So while it is good to buy food from the best wild bird food suppliers, it is also essential to avoid making the aforementioned mistakes when it comes to proper, flawless bird keeping.


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