
Showing posts from June, 2021

How To Make Your Garden Bird-Friendly

  Most homes have backyards which provide food for birds through bird feeders or seed-producing plants which provide food. The other native plants are used for hiding and nesting and water sources are kept for drinking and bathing.  People try to make their yard more attractive and beautiful so that they can attract more birds. They make changes in order to make it more comfortable for birds. Here are some things you can do:  Plant native plants  Try to go for planting native plants in your yard which provide a great variety of bird food for the birds eating food . They should provide for nesting, migrating and wintering the birds throughout the year. Trees such as oaks, willows, birches and maples are home to many caterpillar species which happen to be a vital source of protein for birds during the breeding season. Walnut trees also provide fat and protein rich food that birds can hide and store to get through the winter season. Columbine and honeysuckle are some of...