
How To Make Your Garden Bird-Friendly

  Most homes have backyards which provide food for birds through bird feeders or seed-producing plants which provide food. The other native plants are used for hiding and nesting and water sources are kept for drinking and bathing.  People try to make their yard more attractive and beautiful so that they can attract more birds. They make changes in order to make it more comfortable for birds. Here are some things you can do:  Plant native plants  Try to go for planting native plants in your yard which provide a great variety of bird food for the birds eating food . They should provide for nesting, migrating and wintering the birds throughout the year. Trees such as oaks, willows, birches and maples are home to many caterpillar species which happen to be a vital source of protein for birds during the breeding season. Walnut trees also provide fat and protein rich food that birds can hide and store to get through the winter season. Columbine and honeysuckle are some of...

Tips To Feed The Birds In Your Backyard

Feeding birds is not only fun but also a good deed. Novice birders might not be aware the simple things essential to remember while feeding the birds. You can also look for wild food bird to buy online and place it in the feeders in your backyard for the birds.  These are a few things you must remember when feeding the birds in your backyard: Use different styles of feeders All birds have different diet preferences and surprisingly, the different species also prefer different feeder styles. You can buy wild bird food in bulk and place it in different feeders. This is also done to maximise the bird feeding process.  Keep the feeders full An empty feeder will never attract birds. The wild birds get most of their food from the natural sources and so they will not come back if yours is not a reliable one. Filled feeders attract a wide variety of birds in every season. Also make sure you keep the feeder clean.  Do not feed them with bread Even though bread is made of grains, ...

How To Keep Your Backyard Birds Happy And Healthy

It is quite easy to attract birds to your backyard. All you have to do is supplement the naturally available bird food and watch them flock into your backyard! However, make sure to keep the feeders and table clean to keep your backyard birds healthy and disease-free. Also, do not forget to place the feeders away from predators so that your birds can feel safe and visit often to your backyard.  If you provide enough food for your backyard birds, they are likely to visit your backyard more often. For that reason, get some feeders and provide them natural food and cover with the best wild birdseed .  Let us now tell you about different types of bird food that you can feed your birds. 1. Seed mixes The seeds are blended into different mixtures which attract a  greater mix of birds. 2. Suet Also known as fat food for birds, this type of food comes in shapes like bricks, balls, and pellets. Many birds like suet which also provides them a good source of energy, especially duri...

3 Things To Consider Before You Get Bird Food

Most of us would agree that feeding birds are delightful. When you have those small chirping guests in your garden or backyard, you feel elated. As much as you may love to give them tasty snacks from your kitchen, you need to understand that it might not be in their best interests. So, how do you feed them? Well, you should get designated wild bird food with specialty mixes to get the best results. Since they are specially created for birds, they are one of the best options to go for. Here are some of the things you should consider when you wish to get bird food for yourself: 1. Quality of the grains To begin with, you need to focus on the quality of the grains you should get. As you would be feeding them to wild birds and birds of different species, you should make sure that you select the right ones. To do that, you need to check their texture, characteristics, and other ingredients. Once you are sure that the food you are purchasing is right for you, you should get the desired bird...

Therapeutic Benefits Of Watching Birds During Pandemic

  When difficult times come, you cannot pack your things and escape to a fantasyland to get some peace of mind. If you want to bring the beauty of the collective world to your heart, you can start it decent by simply watching feathery friends. Get some packets of food for wild birds to prepare your yard to witness seasonal birds. Here are the benefits of watching the season’s best event in the pandemic. Get closer to nature You cannot take the remote control and press a button to change scenes of birds frolicking in a garden. The first thing to do is to turn off your electronic devices and step out of the indoor area. As you look around in the garden in search of a small bird, you will notice all the creations of nature instantly. You might put your efforts into watching into the thick vegetation with the help of the bright sunlight from above. The reflection of the light on the trees will soothe your sight while the fresh air clears your lungs as you breathe. Art of patience When ...

3 Bird Feeding Tips You Might Want To Know

  Ever felt happy waking up in the morning and hearing birds chirping and singing? Wonderful, isn't it? Having birds coming to your garden will no doubt help create a lovely atmosphere. However, you might also want to do something in return. To keep them coming and fill your yard with positive vibes, you can feed them with delicious and best bird food and treats .  Let's take a look at some bird feeding tips for keeping birds coming to your yard. Install a feeder. One of the best things you can do to keep birds coming to your yard is to install a feeder and put loads of food in it. When placing a feeder, make sure it is away from the ground so that your dogs and other pets do not get it. You can also keep the feeder protected from squirrels. Keep in mind that birds do not like to linger around places where they feel terrorized. Get different types of bird food. Birds tend to visit gardens and places where they find plenty of food. If you enjoy birds coming to your yard, make s...

3 Benefits Of Having Wild Birds In Your Garden

  There are many reasons to love having all kinds of birds in your garden. You get to wake up to a beautiful morning with birds singing and humming. As you take a walk in your backyard, you experience a magical feeling as birds can bring a positive atmosphere to your garden. If you enjoy bird watching, you get to learn and see different types of birds. Since winter is also a time where wild birds migrate from one place to another, why not invite them to your garden too. Make them happy by offering them shelter, water, and plenty of bird food. Be sure to search which wild bird food is best for the little birdies and get them. Let's take a look at some benefits of having wild birds in your garden. You can have a personal space for bird watching. Having birds coming to your backyard gives you a unique opportunity to study local wildlife. You will get to see seasonal plumage changes, migration, courtship behavior, and nesting.  It is a great way to release stress. Nature offers o...